Virtual Learning Updates from Pupil Services
Remote Learning Updates from Pupil Services
- Special Education Town Halls
- ESY Plan
- Remote Learning & Home Series Webinar
- MSD Virtual Learning CyberSafety Guidelines
- Special Education Virtual Learning Feedback Survey
- Technology Permission Slips
- March 29, 2020 Communication
- March 16, 2020 Communication
- VEEP SEPAG Presentation
Special Education Town Halls
In an effort to provide our special education families with the most updated information with regards to our special education services (both in person and virtual), we are going to hold the following virtual town halls via Google Meet. Recordings of the town halls will be posted on the Pupil Services Communications page of our website in case families are unable to attend.
Tuesday, August 4th 5:36-6:36 PreK-Elementary Self-Contained Town Hall
Meeting ID:
Phone Numbers (US)+1 234-759-0313 PIN: 270 822 202#
Recording from 8/4/2020 and Google Slides Presentation
Wednesday, August 5th 5:36-6:36 FMS Self-Contained/CABAS Town Hall
Meeting ID:
Phone Numbers (US)+1 419-962-6096 PIN: 590 671 808#
Recording from 8/5/2020 and Google Slides Presentation
Wednesday, August 5th 7:06-8:06 FMS/MHS ICS Town Hall
Meeting ID:
Phone Numbers (US)+1 575-394-8177 PIN: 406 439 219#
Recording from 8/5/2020 and Google Slides Presentation, Content from Chat Thread
Thursday, August 6th 5:36-6:36 MHS Self-Contained/Colonial L.I.F.E. Town Hall
Meeting ID:
Phone Numbers: (US)+1 865-498-3206 PIN: 195 445 208#
Recording from 8/6/2020 and Google Slides Presentation
Friday, August 7th 5:36-6:36 Elementary ICS Town Hall
Meeting ID:
Phone Numbers (US)+1 513-788-2070 PIN: 949 423 530#
Recording from 8/7/2020 and Google Slides Presentation
Thank you for everyone who joined us for our Town Halls this past week.
ESY Plan
Summer of 2021 Pupil Services ESY Plan
The Morris School District’s Extended School Year (ESY) Program will be delivered in person for the summer of 2021. In light of the changing conditions of COVID-19, and in accordance with the NJ Department of Education, the Office of Emergency Management, and State and local agencies, the in-person ESY Program is our best choice for our students and our community. The Pupil Services Leadership Team will closely monitor the ESY Program and will be accessible throughout the summer. We wish you and your family a healthy, safe, and successful summer.
If you have any questions or if you would like to make changes to your child’s enrollment status please contact your case manager.
Following, please find detailed information about our ESY Plan.
English: Pupil Services ESY 2021 Plan
Spanish: Pupil Services ESY 2021 Plan
Summer of 2020 Pupil Services ESY Plan
This summer, the Morris School District’s Extended School Year (ESY) Program will be delivered via virtual instruction. In light of the changing conditions of COVID-19, and in accordance with the NJ Department of Education, the Office of Emergency Management, and State and local agencies, the virtual ESY Program is the safest choice for our students and our community. The design for delivering special education and related services will be a combination of live virtual sessions, pre-recorded lessons, interactive learning activities, and independent practice. The Pupil Services Leadership Team will closely monitor the ESY Program and will be accessible throughout the summer. We wish you and your family a healthy, safe, and successful summer.
If you have any questions or if you would like to make changes to your child’s enrollment status please contact your case manager.
Following, please click for detailed information about our ESY Plan.
English Pupil Services ESY Plan
Spanish Pupil Services ESY Plan
Remote Learning & Home Series Webinar
Webinar Episodes
Episode 1: Routines & Schedules, released April 9
A follow up Q&A session will take place 4/13 @ 6pm
Episode 2: Reinforcement Strategies, Released April 17
A follow up Q&A session will take place 4/22 @ 6pm
Episode 3: Collaborative Strategies to Increase Child Engagement, Released May 1st
A follow up Q&A session will take place 5/4 @ 6pm
Please find attached:
- Translated PowerPoint "Virtual Learning Series Part 3"
-Translated PowerPoint "Questions Q&A"
-Video recording in Spanish for "Virtual Learning Series Part 3"
-Video recording in Spanish for "Questions Q&A"
Episode 4: Building Self-Management Skills and Increasing Student Independence, Released June 5th
A follow up Q&A session will take place 6/9 @ 6pm
MSD Virtual Learning CyberSafety Guidelines
MSD Online Learning CyberSafety Guidelines for Virtual Instruction
MSD is committed to ensuring that our schools (and learning environments) are predictable, consistent, safe, and supportive spaces for each student, each day.
1. Scope and Purpose
1.1 These guidelines apply to all students and staff at Morris School District (MSD) . MSD will provide support and guidance to ensure that our students remain cybersafe during virtual instruction. The purpose of these guidelines are to provide a safe, secure and supportive environment for all students. All MSD policies including MSD Policies 2360 and 3283 are still in effect.
1.2 The scope of the Online Learning Cybersafety Guidelines covers the use of the internet and school enabled electronic communication devices including, but not limited to, email, chromebooks, mobile phones, PCs, laptops, tablets.
2. Cybersafety
MSD recognizes that children, as individuals, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, free from emotional or physical danger, abuse and neglect. Safeguarding children is fundamental to the general well being social, emotional, physical and mental development of each child; consequently it is essential to have clear guidelines and procedures in place when dealing with matters involving child protection. We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice and recognize children’s diverse circumstances. We ensure that all children have the same protection, regardless of any barriers they may face. MSD will not tolerate abuse or inappropriate use of technology, whether off-line or on-line, from any member of the MSD community, from administrators, teachers, office staff, support staff, students or parents. Communications by all parties should be courteous and respectful at all times and reflect the highest professional standards. Any reported incident of bullying or harassment, or other unacceptable conduct, will fall under the MSD Online Learning Cybersafety guidelines and procedures and will result in the application of formal interventions.
The Board expects that students will act in accordance with the student behavioral expectations and standards regarding harassment, intimidation, and bullying, see Policy 5512 HIB.
3. Virtual Meetings- online meetings
Guidelines for Teachers
Teachers must not conduct virtual meetings with students individually (unless IEP driven).
Every virtual meeting broadcast must be recorded by the teacher.
Students should be reminded periodically that these sessions are being recorded.
Teachers will record the attendance of each live video broadcast.
Teachers must be dressed appropriately at all times when on visible online.
Teachers must use appropriate language.
Teachers have the right to stop a virtual meeting if they feel students are inappropriate.
Guidelines for students
Be aware that virtual meeting sessions are being recorded by your teacher. Any comments in the messaging feature are archived and searchable. Every live video broadcast must be recorded by the service provider.
Parents/ guardians may not record group sessions as it is a violation of other students' privacy.
Use appropriate language at all times.
Use neutral language at all times in order to prevent any misunderstanding of intent.
Respect other student's right to privacy.
Be dressed appropriately at all times when visible online.
Mute your microphone when your teacher is instructing.
All staff and parents must periodically remind students of the potential dangers of sharing personal information on the internet, uploading photographs, online harassment and the potential for scams.
The school’s Online Safety policy is given to students, teachers and parents and is listed above.
Special Education Virtual Learning Feedback Survey
Special Education Virtual Learning Feedback Survey
Technology Permission Slips
March 29, 2020 Communication
March 29, 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As we enter into our third week of virtual learning, we would first like to extend a deep thank you to our students, families, teachers, related service providers and our child study teams for working together with patience and understanding as we navigate our new context. The feedback that we have received from teachers and parents has been very positive thus far. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to refine and improve our services. If something is not going optimally or if your child is having difficulty transitioning to a virtual experience, please reach out to us immediately.
Per the communication from the Superintendent last week, the Morris School District is extending the timeframe in which virtual learning will occur--possibly until the end of the year. Therefore, the Department of Pupil Services has developed a comprehensive, detailed plan to maintain students’ special education programs and deliver related services throughout our extended closure, using online Google platforms and Canvas (6-12). Please see our update below:
In-Class Support and Pull-Out Resource Replacement: Special education teachers have been providing support throughout the instructional day via Google Classroom and/or Canvas (6-12). As we move forward into our virtual learning experience, we are looking to expand connectedness through teachers providing small group virtual meetings via Google Meets.
Supplemental Reading Intervention: Students have been provided with individual access (in a virtual platform) to direct instruction in reading as stated in their IEPs. Students have been contacted by their teachers about how to access the virtual platform. Communication with regard to permission forms has been sent home by case managers for elementary-age students. If you received a permission form and have not signed it, please see the permission slip below and send it back to your child’s case manager as soon as possible.
Physical Therapy: Students have started with individual access (in a virtual platform) to Physical Therapy as stated in their IEPs. Students have been contacted by the physical therapist about how to access the virtual platform. Communication with regard to permission forms has been sent home by case managers for elementary-age students. If you received a permission form and have not signed it, please see the permission slip below and send it back to your child’s case manager as soon as possible.
Speech-Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Counseling: We received guidance on Friday, March 27, that the District can start to provide these services through a virtual platform. Students will be provided with individual and/or group access (in a virtual platform) to their related service as stated in their IEPs. Students will be contacted by the related service provider about how to access the virtual platform. Communication with regard to permission forms for this IEP-driven service will be sent home by case managers this week. Please note that if you have already signed off on the permission slip, there is no need to sign off again. These services will start next week. If your child is in grades K-5 and you have not signed this permission form, please see the permission slip below and send it back to your child’s case manager as soon as possible.
IEP Meetings: We have been conducting annual review meetings during this time period. Thus far the feedback that we have received has been positive. Your child’s case managers will still be in touch with you regarding any previous or upcoming meetings.
Out-of-District Students: We have confirmed that all of the schools attended by our out-of-district students have created a virtual learning plan. We encourage you to review carefully your out-of-district school’s virtual learning plan. The school’s virtual learning plan may have been sent to you directly or may be available on the school’s website. If you have any questions please contact the school directly first and if there are remaining questions or need further assistance to please contact your case manager.
SEPAG Webinar: Dr. Crosbie held a parent webinar presentation on Monday, March 23, called "Successful Strategies for VEEP [Virtual Education Emergency Plan]," Please click here to view the presentation and related resources.
On behalf of the Department of Pupil Services, we would like to thank you in advance for your flexibility during this time. If the plan evolves and changes, we will be sure to notify you of the updates. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Marc G. Gold, Rori Benson and Danae Heywood
March 16, 2020 Communication
March 16, 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As you know, Virtual Learning throughout the Morris School District will begin on Wednesday, March 18. The Department of Pupil Services has developed a detailed plan to maintain students’ special education programs and deliver related services, throughout our extended closure, using online Google platforms and Canvas (6-12).
In-class Support and Pull-out Resource Replacement: Special education teachers will be providing support throughout the instructional day via Google Classroom and/or Canvas (6-12).
Supplemental Reading Intervention: Students will be provided with individual access, via Google Meet, to direct instruction in reading as stated in their IEPs. Students will be contacted by the teacher about how to access Google Meet. Communication with regard to permission forms for this IEP-driven service has been sent home by case managers.
Physical Therapy: Students will be provided with individual access, via Google Meet, to Physical Therapy as stated in their IEPs. Students will be contacted by the teacher about how to access Google Meet. Communication with regard to permission forms for this IEP-driven service has been sent home by case managers.
Speech-Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Counseling: The New Jersey Department of Education Regulations prohibit telepractice for these areas of service. Guidance from the NJ DOE will inform the district’s plan to address these areas of related service when school reopens. Additional information will be communicated as it becomes available.
IEP Meetings: Your child’s case managers will be in touch with you regarding any previously scheduled meetings.
Out-of-District Students: Please review your students out-of-district school’s plan to provide distance learning. If you have any questions you can contact your case manager.
On behalf of the Department of Pupil Services, we would like to thank you in advance for your flexibility during this time. If the plan evolves and changes, we will be sure to notify you of the updates. As always, if you have questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Marc G. Gold Rori Benson Danae Heywood
VEEP SEPAG Presentation
Dr. Crosbie's presentation "Successful Strategies for VEEP" and associated resources can be found here.