Our Story: The MSD Advantage
Proud of Our Past, Poised for the Future
The Morris School District is the only school district in NJ to have been created by a court order, which mandated the merging of Morristown and township schools to promote racial integration. The community embraced this vision and, throughout our nearly 50-year history as a district, has worked hard to maintain it. Parents, teachers, administrators, board members, alumni, community leaders, and students alike are deeply committed to protecting and perpetuating the unique legacy of the Morris School District. We continue to build a healthy community, move toward greater equity and inclusion, diminish achievement gaps, and raise the bar for educational excellence precisely because the fundamental values that underlie the district’s enduring aspirations are shared values.
We have a name for the unique experience that our district provides: the Morris School District Advantage. An education in the Morris School District immerses students in an extraordinary combination of benefits: an innovative, relevant curriculum; an investment in student participation and relationships; multicultural classrooms within a cosmopolitan community; and preparation for full engagement in a global society. Our students graduate equipped with the lasting results these benefits confer on an individual’s future life experiences. That’s the Morris School District Advantage.
For an introduction to the exceptional programs and exceptional people that make up the Morris School District, we invite you to take a look through the slide presentation linked on this page.