Composition of the Board
The Morris School District Board of Education is comprised of ten individual members. There are five representatives from Morris Township, four from Morristown, and one from the Borough of Morris Plains. Two Morristown High School students also participate in Board meetings as non-voting members.
Representatives from the Town and Township are elected by their constituents to three-year terms of office. The Board of Education election is held on Election Day, the first Tuesday in November. The Morris Plains representative is a member of the Morris Plains Board of Education appointed annually by that body to the Morris School District Board to represent Morris Plains on issues affecting Morristown High School.
Principle Functions of the Board
While the Board is legally responsible for school programs and operations, it delegates authority for the district's daily operations to the Superintendent of Schools. Individual Board members may bring any question, concern or suggestion to a Board Committee or full Board Meeting for discussion, but no action can be taken without full Board approval. Individual Board members do not exercise authority over or direct staff.
In general, the following are the most important functions of the Board:
- Setting and maintaining policies that define the district's values and expectations
- Approving the Annual School Budget
- Representing the community's educational philosophy
- Hiring and annual evaluation of the Superintendent
- Supporting the district's strategic plan and yearly goals
More information about the Board of Education and how it works in collaboration with the Superintendent may be found here.
Public Board Meetings
The Board of Education conducts its regular business meetings in public so that school and community members can see its deliberations and actions on agenda items with full transparency. Members of the public are encouraged and welcome to attend all Board of Education meetings. A calendar of scheduled Board meetings for the current year is linked below. Unless otherwise noted, Board meetings are held in the Learning Commons of Morristown, High School, 50 Early Street, Morristown.
The Board meets in closed session at 6:30 PM to address personnel, negotiations, and legal matters; the open session (public portion) of meetings begins at 7:30 PM. Changes to the location of Board meetings or starting times for closed or open sessions will be noted on the board calendar. Board agendas are posted on our website the Friday afternoon preceding a public meeting; meeting minutes are posted several days following a meeting. Both are linked below.
A portion of each meeting is set aside for public comment. The Board of Education appreciates all input from the school and community members offered during public comment; however, please be aware that this is not the forum for dialogue with the Board. The Board will listen to suggestions, questions, and concerns, and should a follow-up be warranted, the appropriate district administrator will be in contact with the speaker.
We invite you to come to a public meeting of the Board of Education and see school governance in action!