Gifted & Talented
Morris School District Gifted & Talented
What defines a student as gifted or talented or twice exceptional?
The NJDOE defines gifted students as: "Those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities." Advanced students are those with outstanding intellectual or academic abilities, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district. According to the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC), the term “twice-exceptional,” also referred to as “2e,” is used to describe gifted children who have the characteristics of gifted students with the potential for high achievement and have one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria.
A Strong Learner... |
A Gifted Learner…. |
The Morris School District will provide a continuum of services for the exceptional learner, designed to address specific needs and levels of giftedness from Kindergarten through grade 12. According to the New Jersey Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act (2019), “instructional adaptation" means an adjustment or modification to instruction enabling a student who is gifted and talented to participate in, benefit from, and demonstrate knowledge and application of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in one or more content areas at the instructional level of the student, not just the student’s grade level.
How MSD meets the G & T Requirements
- Have teachers for each grade level to work with students identified at each school
- Identification and reporting of G&T students
- Multi-Tiered approach to providing gifted & talented support that goes beyond academic strengths and is inclusive of all students enrolled in the Morris School District
- Utilize Multiple Measures for Identification
- Timelines for Program Identification
- Curriculum, Professional Development & Program Resources
Have teachers for each grade level to work with students identified at each school
Identification and reporting of G&T students
Multi-Tiered approach to providing gifted & talented support that goes beyond academic strengths and is inclusive of all students enrolled in the Morris School District
Utilize Multiple Measures for Identification
Timelines for Program Identification
Curriculum, Professional Development & Program Resources
Coordinator of K-8 Gifted & Talented Education
Have Quest highlights to share? Ideas that can inspire our G&T program?