Grade Level Expectations Grades 9-12
The New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) for English Language Arts (ELA) define literacy expectations per grade level. In grades 9-12, students read literature and informational text. Students write argumentative, informative, and narrative texts. The standards engage students in expectations surrounding vocabulary acquisition, speaking, listening, and conventions of Standard English. As per the NJ Student Learning Standards, in grades 9-12, students engage in "wide and deep reading of literature and literary nonfiction of steadily increasing sophistication, students gain a reservoir of literary and cultural knowledge, references, and images; the ability to evaluate intricate arguments; and the capacity to surmount the challenges posed by complex texts."
As our foundation, the NJ SLS for ELA are the basis of our curriculum. The curriculum includes Units of Study that systematically emphasize the standards. Throughout the year, our 9-12 English department consults with Drew University consultants through DREW Teach to provide professional development in the area of curriculum and instruction.
Daily classroom practices utilize components of balanced literacy model of instruction that allows teachers to instruct students in a range of skills across reading, writing, listening and speaking, grammar and mechanics, and vocabulary. Teachers use data to make instructional decisions to meet student needs via direct and indirect instruction. Students engage in whole class texts, choice reading, small group work, individual conferences, among other components. Blended Learning allows teachers to further individualize instruction and target instructional planning.